Monday, January 28, 2008

The SMC is Back!

The Self-Made Critic is back, reviewing Cloverfield. I was laughing through the whole review, which is in perfect SMC style. I was also laughing through the comments. Of the 13 that were posted when I read the review, none of them seemed to realize that it was in jest.

No word if The Editor is going to make a return appearance, as well.


Julie said...

Woot! You introduced me to SMC, too! I was actually thinking about venturing out of my "I hate scary movies" mode and going to see Cloverfield. I won't miss it if I don't, though.

Mike Marsh said...

I'm a little bit leery of going to see a non-Steadicam film. I never saw "The Blair Witch Project," but by the end of "Dancer in the Dark" I had to look away from the screen until a musical number would start. That was artificially shaky, though.

I get the sense that "Cloverfield" is more of a suspenseful Godzilla movie than a horror flick. And the Bad Astronomer liked it.

Julie said...

I think of the film's title, though, and think of happy bunnies ...

Mike Marsh said...

Like "Night of the Lepus"?

Julie said...

I was thinking ... happy ... living bunnies ... eating clover ... in a field. And the like.

I suddenly remembered Bunnicula!