Sunday, March 16, 2008

Maryland Driver's Licenses

You'll find the following in the Maryland Code, under Transportation, §16-106:

(a)   Each application for a driver’s license shall be made
      on the form that the Administration requires.

(b)   The application shall state:
      (1)   The full name, Maryland residence address,
            employer, race, sex, height, weight,
            general physical condition, and date of birth
            of the applicant; [emphasis added]
Evidently, the Maryland General Assembly believes that the MVA needs to know for whom you work in order to determine whether you are a legal resident of Maryland capable of safely operating a motor vehicle.

This repulsive change to the law, which was passed in April 2003 and took effect in October 2003, was House Bill 838. The bill page lists the sponsors, and has links to how Delegates and Senators voted.


Julie said...

Are you denied a license if you list unemployed?

Mike Marsh said...

No, and there's no difference in the licensing fee. However, collecting employer information does nothing to establish (1) that you're a legal resident of the state, (2) that you are capable of operating a motor vehicle safely, or (3) that you are the person identified by the license.