Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Policy Here is to Aim the Cointreau at the Peach

This popped into my head for no good reason today, and I thought I'd share.


Anonymous said...

Umm... Should I mention this? Guess I will:

-- Steve

Mike Marsh said...

Yes, I found that while googling for the clip (unless it was one of the other two restaurants of that name). From the FAQ:

Where did you get the name?

The name comes from a Dudley Moore and Peter Cook comedy routine about a restaurant that serves only frogs and peaches.

I note with disappointment that the parking isn't as good as that at the ol' F and P.

Anonymous said...

But it's only six blocks from the New Brunswick train station. No driving, no parking. And especially, no extracting your car from the bog!

Besides, I might want to eat what this one serves...

-- Steve

Mike Marsh said...

But what if you want a really big frog, and a damned fine peach?